Reglementen van controles maken EKmasters finacieel niet haalbaar in Alkmaar

  • Joske

    Jammer, zo komt een mooi evenement in de financiële verdrukking.

    Oorzaak lijkt dus het aantal uit te voeren controles per kampioenschap. Daar er veel kampioenschappen zijn in veel leeftijdsklassen loopt het mogelijke aantal controles op tot exceptionele proporties.

    Dat kan natuurlijk niet de bedoeling, maar Bristow wil er duidelijk niet aan ten-onder gaan, financieel gezien. Daarin kun je hem geen ongelijk geven.

    Moet toch eens naar die regelementen worden gekeken. Lijkt een bureau-maatregel, waarvan men zich de ultieme consequenties niet heeft gerealiseerd.

    Dit bericht komt van de site:

    Op Baanwacht was wel de cancelling te vinden, maar (nog) niet de verklarende tekst, waarom het zover heeft kunnen komen.

    Ook jammer, dat dat nu pas, terwijl renners al hadden ingeschreven, zo blijkt te zijn.

    We regret to announce that due to circumstances beyond our control we have had no choice but to cancel these Championships which were due to be held at Alkmaar, 3-7 September.

    We thank those riders who had entered and we apologise for any inconvenience and disappointment that this cancellation may cause.

    All entry and registration fees paid to the organiser will be refunded in due course.

    Graham Bristow 3/8/14

    To clarify the above statement:

    KNWU informed me that if anti doping tests were carried out at the championships then the rules say that the first 3 in EACH CHAMPIONSHIP would be tested. There are 5 individual championships for up to 10 age groups for men and for up to 10 age groups for women, plus team events. Potentially there could be up up to 300 tests for individual events plus more tests for team events.

    The price quoted for EACH TEST was 499 euros, potentially 149700 euros in total.

    I asked the question (I) Would there be any tests, (ii) How many tests would be carried out. I was not able to get an answer to either question.

    Yes I could have carried on and hoped that no testing would be done, but as an individual trying to support Masters racing I could not personally take the financial risk.

    Add to this the low numbers of riders already committed to the Championships, which in itself could make the Championships not viable either financially or competitively, then I had no choice but to cancel today.

    I will not go into how I became involved with Masters racing, except to say that it was never for personal gain. I was, and am, happy to freely give my time to support masters racing but I cannot afford to financially sponsor it to the levels projected.

    Graham Bristow 3/8/14

  • Baanfan

    Helaas weer een evenement wat sneuvelt……het is geen goed jaar :-(