
Team-omnium met een mix van sprint- en duur-evenementen

Team-Omnium competition with a mix of sprint and endurance events.


Nederland 1 volledige ploeg

Nederland 2 volledige ploeg

Great Britain junior team volledige ploeg

Great Britain Youth team volledige ploeg

Wales volledige ploeg

Belgie A team zonder jongens sprinters

Belgie B team zonder jongens sprinters

Wielerteam Vlaanderen 4 jongens (duur)

Toegang: gratis

Prijzen / Price:

Bloemen voor elke overwinnig en een beker voor het eerste team

Flowers at each victory and a trophy for the first team.

Ploegen-indeling / Team composition:

Junior mannen: 2 sprint + 4 duur

Junior vrouwen 2 sprint + 2 duur

Junior men: 2 sprint + 4 endurance

Junior women: 2 sprint + 2 endurance

Totaal 10 renners / Total 10 riders.

Verzetten / Gear restriction:

Duur onderdelen / Endurance events: max. 50 x 15

Sprint vrij / free

Vergaderingen / Meetings:

Juryvergadering / Commissaires meeting zaterdag 19 januarui 12.00 uur / Saturday 19 January 12.00 hrs

Juryvergadering / Commissaires meeting Zondag 20 januari 9.00 uur / Zondag 20 January 9.00 hrs

Ploegleidersvergadering / Teamleaders meeting Zaterdag 19 januari 13.00 uur / Saturday 19 January 13.00 hrs.

Programma / Program:

(nb de aantallen staan voor het aantal renners bij 6 ploegen. omdat we nu 5 hele en 3 halve ploegen hebben worden de aantallen wat anders. aan de hand van de definitieve inschrijving moeten we het programma zonodig aanpassen)

Zaterdag / Saturday

14.00 Men's Keirin, 1/2 final, 2 heats of 6 -> 3 (12)

14.15 Women's 500 Metres Time Tial (6)

14.25 Women's Scratch, final 10 km. (12)

14.40 Men's Keirin, final 7-12 (6)

1-6 (6)

14.50 Men's Points Race, 16 km. (18)

15.10 Women's Victory Ceremony, 500 Metres and Scratch

Men's Victory Ceremony, Keirin and Points Race

15.30 Men's Sprint, 200 metres (12)

15.40 Women's Sprint, 200 metres (12)

15.50 Men's Team Pursuit 4 km (6)

16.10 Men's Sprint, 1/4 final, 1 heat only (12)

16.25 Women's Sprint, 1/4 final, 1 heat only (12)

16.40 Men's Victory Ceremony, Team Pursuit

16.45 Men's Sprint, final 5th to 8th places

16.50 Men's Sprint, 1/2 final, 1 heat only

17.00 Women's Sprint, 1/2 final, 1 heat only

17.05 Women's Sprint, final, 5th to 8th places

17.10 Men's Sprint, final, 3rd and 4th places, 1 heat only

17.15 Women's Sprint, final, 3rd and 4th places, 1 heat only

17.20 Men's Sprint, final, 1st and 2nd places, 1 heat only

17.25 Women's Sprint, final, 1st and 2nd places, 1 heat only

17.30 Men's Victory Ceremony, Sprint

Women's Victory Ceremony, Sprint

17.35 Men's Scratch, final 10 km. (18)

17.50 Men's 1 Kilometre, final (12)

18.05 Women's Points Race, final 12 km. (12)

18.20 Men's Victory Ceremony Scratch and 1 Km.

Women's Victory Ceremony Points Race

18.30 End 1st day

Zondag / Sunday

10.00 Men's Scratch, 600 metres 2 heats of 6 (12)

10.10 Women's Keirin, 2 heats of 6 -> (12)

10.25 Men’s Scratch 600 m. places 7-12

600 m. places 1-6

10.35 Men's Team 3.000 metres,final (6)

10.55 Women's Individual Pursuit, final 2.000 metres, final(6)

11.10 Women's Keirin,final 7-12 and 1-6

11.20 Men's Team Sprint 3 riders per team

11.35 Women’s Team sprint 2 riders per team

11.50 Women's points race final 12 km

12.05 Men’s Madison, final 20 km. (12)

12.30 Women's Victory Ceremony Ind. Pursuit and Keirin team sprint and points race

Men's Victory Ceremony Ind. Pursuit, Scratch, Team Sprint and Madison

Teams Total classification

12.45 End 2nd day


Leo Koorn voorzitter za zo

Nico Knol secretaris za zo

Egbert Dijkstra aankomstrechter za zo

Ria Kops commissaris za zo

Germy Meijer commissaris za zo

Chris Thissen stage za

Erica Frederiks stage zo

Hans van Bon stage zo

Margriet Snuiverink stage zo

Gerrit Roelofsen stage zo

Jack Borsjes speaker za zo